Seven Stages of Life

The Seven Stages of Life

The Seventh Stage of Life —
A New Possibility for Humankind

The seventh stage of life is an entirely new possibility for humanity, uniquely Revealed — and uniquely Given — by Avatar Adi Da. The Awakening to the seventh stage of life transcends the entire course of human potential and all the conditional structures of human existence — gross, subtle, and causal.

The seventh stage of life is Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization, or Most Perfect Divine Enlightenment — absolute Awakening from every trace of identification with the sense of being a "separate self" in any dimension of existence.

The seventh stage of life is not "seventh" in the sense of "following" the first six.

The seventh stage of life Is Beyond and Prior to the first six stages of life.

The seventh stage of life has nothing to do with "stages" of life.

The seventh stage of life Is simply the Perfect Self-Demonstration of the Divine Reality-Truth, the Truth of the Divine Reality-Revelation. . . .

The Always Already Self-Presence of Reality Itself Is the Secret upon Which right and true practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given "Radical" Reality-Way of Adidam Is Founded.

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Aletheon

In the seventh stage of life, one has been Gracefully drawn by Avatar Adi Da entirely beyond the root-illusion of "I" and "other," founded in the overwhelming obviousness of Reality as only Conscious Light.

Unlike the fourth and fifth stages of life, wherein the Divine is related to as a great "Other", the seventh stage Awakening freely Recognizes all existence as transparent and non-necessary modifications of the One Radiant Divine Reality.

And in contrast to the sixth stage of life, the seventh stage Realizer maintains no subjective dissociation from the conditional world. When all existence is Realized to be Conscious Light, what would move one to dissociate from anything?

To be Awakened, by Avatar Adi Da's Grace, to the seventh stage of life means Transcending and Outshining all experiences and all phenomena — Recognizing everything as a non-binding and merely apparent modification of the Divine Conscious Light. The ultimate demonstration of the seventh stage of life is the Outshining of all noticing of the world in the Love-Bliss-Fullness of Reality Itself.

The Way of No-Seeking

The great paradox is that the seventh stage of life cannot effectively be sought. The more intensively one tries to seek, or even seeks to avoid seeking, the more one reinforces the presumption of existing as a separate ego and strengthens the ego-based manner of functioning. The ego can never liberate itself.

In fact, the seventh stage of life can only be accomplished by the direct Transmission of Avatar Adi Da's Divine Grace — to His devotee who is fully prepared to receive that Gift. The seventh stage of life is not accomplished by human effort, not something that can be achieved for oneself — it is the Self-Revelation of Reality Itself.

The Position of Reality Itself Is the Position of and As That Which Is Always Already The Case.

Reality Itself Is So now.

Most Ultimately, Reality Itself will be Realized to Be So, and to have Always Already Been So.

Reality Itself Is the Context of all "experiencing".

Reality Itself Is Truth.

Reality Itself Is What is to be Realized — not merely eventually, but always immediately, directly, and tacitly.

That Reality Itself Is Truth Is the Realization Sitting before you, in My Own Person.

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Aletheon

Reality Itself must Intervene in your life and Awaken you from the dream of egoity.

The great mystery and Gift is that Avatar Adi Da Is this Perfect Revelation and Intervention of Reality Itself. In the course of life, you can actually find this out. And when you do, you will know that Avatar Adi Da is the Divine in human Form, Born to Liberate you and all humankind from its egoic dream of separateness.

That Which is to be Realized is not an end-phenomenon.

Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization cannot be "caused".

Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization cannot be achieved.

Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization is, necessarily, a Gift — from Me.

The Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself Is Always Already The Case, and is Realized by Means of My Divine Avataric Transcendental Spiritual Grace, as a Divine Gift.

Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization is not associated with any "cause-and-effect" process whatsoever.

I (Myself) Am the Avataric Self-Revelation of Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization.

I Speak to you Directly As Such.

I Am here before you As Such.

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Aletheon

Next: Printable Files

The Seventh Way
New Essays from The Aletheon

These readings are among Avatar Adi Da's most sublime and profound Utterances.

They were originally Spoken as spontaneous and ecstatic discourse to His devotees during the final decade (from mid-1995 to mid-2005) of His immense outpouring of Teaching-Instruction.


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The great paradox is that the seventh stage of life cannot effectively be sought.

The seventh stage of life is not accomplished by human effort, not something that can be achieved for oneself.

Learn more about the book

Perfect Philosophy
The "Radical" Way
of No Ideas


(A collection of prepublication essays from The Aletheon)