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Recommended DVDs and CDs

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Easy Death - DVD coverEasy Death
150 min
These Discourses offer Avatar Adi Da's Compassionate Wisdom on service to the dying, the greater process in which death occurs, and the Ultimate Demonstration of What Is, Prior to life and death. (DVD subtitles in English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew.)

$29.95 - DVD

The following DVD titles are also available as audio CDs

The Divine Is Not The Cause - DVD coverThe Divine Is Not the Cause
70 min 25 sec
Avatar Adi Da Speaks of the self-confinement of human beings (in contrast to non-humans as natural contemplatives), the effort to trace any experience or thought to its Source, and the Divine Reality as the True Condition of all things (not the "cause" of any thing). The Discourse concludes with Avatar Adi Da's Confession of the direct and tacit "Point of View" of Divine Realization — the universe as Unconditional Light. (DVD subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew.)

$26.95 - DVD $16.95 - CD

Human History Is One Great Tradition - DVD coverHuman History Is One Great Tradition
62 min 04 sec
In response to a devotee's question about Zen Buddhism, Avatar Adi Da discusses how Buddhism fits within the Great Tradition of human Spirituality, His own schema of the seven stages of life, the qualities of real Spiritual Transmission in various traditions, belief-based myths and the transcendence of "religious provincialism." (DVD subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Chinese and Hebrew.)

$26.95 - DVD $16.95 - CD

The Quest for the Historical Self - CD coverThe Quest for the Historical Self
DVD - 69 min | CD - 64 min 40 sec
Avatar Adi Da proposes that all human lifetimes are a "quest for the historical self," based on the erroneous presumption of an actual, defined, knowable "self." But this "self" is a fiction, an activity of "self"-contraction. Reality Itself becomes obvious when the activity is transcended. (DVD subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Polish Czech, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew.)

$26.95 - DVD $16.95 - CD

Transcend the Self-Knot of Fear - DVD coverTranscend the Self-Knot of Fear
DVD - 60 min | CD - 52 min 58 sec
When a questioner asks about the fearfulness he feels "locked" in his body, Adi Da Samraj responds that the root of fear is the same as the root of all suffering: the "self-contraction", or the activity of identification with a separate and mortal body. Rather than avoiding the fear inherent in the body, Adi Da Samraj Calls for an understanding and transcendence of the self-knot by Realizing the Divine Condition that is Always Already the Case. (DVD subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Polish.)

$26.95 - DVD $16.95 - CD

Cracking The Code of Experience - DVD coverCracking The Code of Experience
DVD - 1 hour 26 min | CD - 77 min 55 sec
A devotee's question about memory sparks Avatar Adi Da's Discourse about the nature of the human mechanism. Likening the mind to "cyberspace", He describes the "codes" human beings use to interpret perceptions and give apparent meaning to the "game" of life. He also exposes as an illusion the very presumption of being a separate, perceiving self. Adi Da Samraj calls everyone to relinquish the commitment to all presumptions and Awaken to that Realization which is not a state, but a Force that Spiritually Outshines all of illusory existence. (DVD subtitles in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew.)

$26.95 - DVD $16.95 - CD


Eyes In Other Worlds - CD coverEyes In Other Worlds — Music CD
9 Tracks - 39 minutes
A new album of original devotional music from Naamleela Free Jones. Inspired by, and written to, the ecstatic poetry of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, this is a dazzling new collection of songs that range from sublime and meditative piano ballads to exhilarating and fresh multi-instrument tracks with danceable rhythms and uplifting energy.

$16.95 - CD

What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy - CD versionWhat, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy — CD
In this unique CD, Avatar Adi Da answers life's fundamental questions in the simplest and most inviting way possible—speaking eloquently to the open-hearted child in all of us. Narrated by actor Kenneth Welsh and set to music by multi-platinum artist and devotee Ray Lynch. A wonderful companion to the book.

$14.95 - CD

Page 1 — Recommended Books