The Truth About Human Life
Readings from The Aletheon
The Necessary Foundation of Right Life - part 5
The Right and Optimum Diet
Is a Conservative Diet
A reading from The Aletheon,
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, the basic disciplines relative to diet (which disciplines are Given, by Me, to all My devotees... and which disciplines are recommended, by Me, for "consideration" and application by all of humankind) involve the constant (or always present-time) purification, re-balancing, and rejuvenation of vital bodily existence through right and optimum personal diet (and, in the general case, right periodic fasting) — which right and optimum personal diet is (necessarily) a pure (and purifying), and conservative (or "minimum optimum"), and (in the general case, or, in other words, in the case of each and every individual, unless right medical reasons indicate otherwise) fructo-vegetarian (with the diet consisting principally of greens and fruits), and (in the general case) totally raw-food dietary discipline.
Among all the functional, practical, relational, and cultural disciplines that serve the practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, the conservative discipline (or control) of diet is (elementally) the most basic — because dietary practice (which controls, or largely determines, the state of the food-body, or the state and general activity of the physical body) also determines the relative controllability of social, sexual, emotional, mental, and all other functional desires and activities.
The right and optimum diet is (necessarily) a conservative diet. In right (or effective) practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam, dietary discipline fully serves the submission of personal energy and attention to the Great Process that becomes (Ultimately, by Means of My Divine Avataric Transcendental Spiritual Grace) Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization.
Adidam, the right and optimum diet must be intelligently moderated in its quantity and carefully selected in its quality, so that it will not burden the physical body or bind the mind (or attention) through food-desire and negative (or constipating, toxifying, and enervating) food-effects (and ingestion-effects in general), and so that (along with the necessary additional "consideration" and really effective transcending of addicted, aberrated, anxious, or even excessively private habits and patterns relative to food-taking and waste-elimination) it serves the yielding (or freeing) of functional human energy and attention to the great (and, necessarily, devotionally Me-recognizing and devotionally to-Me-responding) process of the intrinsic and fully life-effective transcending of the ego-"I".
In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam, the discipline of right ("minimum optimum") diet requires conformation to My herein-Given general dietary Instructions, in order to serve (in every present moment) the necessities of maximum good health, maximum well-being, and right full practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam, in the case of the individual.
Thus, in the Reality-Way of Adidam, there is a basic dietary orientation (to which each individual must always directly adapt), and that basic orientation is Given by Me as a dietary Rule and Guide for all formally acknowledged practitioners of the Reality-Way of Adidam. That basic orientation (or dietary rule) is (unless right medical reasons indicate otherwise) to eat only raw (and, altogether, pure and purifying) foods, consisting principally of vegetables (and, in particular, greens) and fruits, together with seeds and (in moderate quantities) nuts.
My any devotee who persists in habits and addictions of gross physical "self"-indulgence (including dietary "self"-indulgence) is inevitably desensitized to Me — both devotionally and Transcendentally Spiritually. Therefore, such habits and addictions of gross physical "self"-indulgence undermine (and work against) the effectiveness of the Reality-Way of Divine Self-Realization That I have Given to My devotees.
This is the reason why refinement of the physical body via a diet that is conservative (or "minimum optimum"), and (in the general case) fructo-vegetarian, and (in the general case) totally raw, and via a conservative (and truly pure and purifying) approach to food-taking (and body-maintenance altogether), is necessary in the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam.
— From "The Necessary Foundation of Right Life"
Part Six: Right Sexual Discipline
Essays from The Aletheon
It is possible to live on the basis of the "Perfect Knowledge" of Reality in the context of apparent "self" and "world". It is possible to know Transcendental and Spiritual Truth through Avatar Adi Da's Transmission-Gift.
6x9 paperback, 282 pages