Ordinary People —
Extraordinary Stories
Blessing is simply My Nature, My State, My Intrinsic Condition of Self-Radiance.
— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Aletheon
Testimony to Divine Gifts
The stories that appear here testify to the profound Gifts of Instruction and Blessing that Avatar Adi Da has showered on devotees during the course of their relationship with Him.
Avatar Adi Da's Gifts come in many forms — be it recognition of the Divine Reality, intuition of the unity of all beings, shedding of trauma, Blessing of a passing life, understanding of the ego-mechanism....
And, in some sense, the Gift of Avatar Adi Da to all is simply the opportunity for Communion with His Prior, Non-Separate State of Love-Bliss, which answers all questions and heals all hearts.
The Divine
of Adi Da Samraj
compiled and edited
by Bill Gottlieb