This October 2004 Discourse concludes with Avatar Adi Da's Confession of the direct and tacit “Point of View” of Divine Realization—the universe as Unconditional Light. All questions are self-caused, or caused by your own presumption, your own self-contraction, your own apparent separation from the Very Condition in Which you are arising. The discovery of That Which Is Reality Itself, or the Very Divine, transcends all causes and effects, all separateness, all “difference”, all relatedness, all otherness, all problems, all egoity. The universe, in fact, is vanished, utterly--Outshined.Adi Da's Teachings have tremendous significance for humanity. . . . He represents a foundation and a structure for sanity. Robert K. Hall, M.D. Total running time: 72 minutes ISBN: 1-57097-209-5 |